Only three years after SEACSTA was invented, in a car driving to the airport after a FOBISIA JAWS meeting, we have finally outgrown the WhatsApp group. Of course, the WhatsApp group will still be used for the temporary day-to-day “office chat” for far-flung Computer Science teachers from Switzerland to Japan.
But increasingly, we need to put down some roots. Some documents need organising in a more permanent library. Discussions can be more focused to the needs of particular groups (geographical or exam specification). SEACSTA events are planned.
So this website has been developed as a “home” for our disparate membership. Its focus is to meet the needs of teachers of Computer Science, and develop a corporate identity as we establish the subject and its pedagogy in schools in Asia. We have so many talented individuals in the region, that we can build something really unique and supportive. Above all, it is for “teachers who share”.